This year is going to be one in which we get down to real talking and, so far, it is going well.
It has always been our plan to build the path in phases starting at either end. I'm pleased to say the development at the Wellington end of the station and hundreds of houses offer great opportunities. Network Rail plan to have the station open by May 2026 at the latest, and part of that construction will be a haul-road on either side of the line. It looks likely that will remain in situ, which gives us a significant part of the phase 1 build at the western end.
At the eastern end, there is also industrial devekopment planned which offers similar opportunities. The new Taunton Town Council are hugely supportive of our ambitionbs and have already grant-aidid us with a small initial sum. We are hoping they will adopt a proposal through council to support us which paves the way for access along land they already manage on behalf of Somerset Council.
On behalf of our group, can I thank you for your continuing support, and can I also remind you we are conducting walks along the greenway (or as close as we can get to it) each month. The next is on 23rd March from Wellington to Taunton. it is about 8.5 miles of flat walking which might have had an opportunity to dry out over the next couple of weeks. Please join us if you can